Paper 2 Part 1 - Essay
AN ESSAY is always written for the teacher. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providing a new content point of the writer’s own.
The essay should be well organised, with an introduction and an appropriate conclusion and should be written in an appropriate register and tone.
While it is possible to argue only one point of view (i.e. either agreeing or disagreeing on a topic) as long as you bear in mind the other point of view and back up your points, it is probably easier to have a balanced discussion comparing advantages and disadvantages, or ideas for and against a topic.
  • Read the rubric (the title), essay question and prompts very carefully in order to understand what you are expected to do. This is vital!
  • It is important to keep the focus of the topic question and that all your ideas and opinions are relevant to the question.
  • Support your opinions with reasons and examples.
  • Think of a third idea of your own in addition to the two given prompts. If any of the three essay prompts is missed out, then the target reader will not be fully informed and the candidate will be penalised.
  • Ideas need to be expressed in a clear an logical way, and should be well organised and coherent. It is advisable to use up to 5 paragraphs:
    1. Introduction
    2. Prompt 1 development + reason(s)/example(s)
    3. Prompt 2 development + reason(s)/example(s)
    4. Prompt 3 development + reason(s)/example(s)
    5. Conclusion (you may include your opinion here)
  • Varying the length of the sentences, using direct and indirect questions and using a variety of structures and vocabulary may all help to communicate ideas more effectively.
  • The correct use of linking words and phrases (e.g. but, so, however, on the other hand, etc.) and the appropriate use of cohesive devices (e.g. using pronouns for referencing) is especially important in essays.


    - Use the task input to help you plan but try to avoid copying phrases from the input in Part 1. Use your own words.
    - Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs - In the introduction, state the topic clearly, give a brief outline of the issue, saying why it is important or why people have different opinions about it.
    - DO NOT express your opinion at the beginning of your essay (develop you essay in such a way that it guides the reader to the conclusion you draw).
    - DO give your opinion in the final paragraph.
    - Structure your argument. - Each new paragraph has one main idea, stated in a topic sentence.
    - Include relevant details to support the main idea: these might include examples, rhetorical questions (do no overdo it), controversial or surprising statements... If you include a drawback, give a possible solution, too.
    - DO use a relatively formal register and an objective tone. Do not be too emotional.
    - Remember to use linking adverbials to organise your ideas and to make it easy for the reader to follow your argument.
    - In the exam, allow yourself time to check your grammar, spelling and punctuation thoroughly.
Linking words and phrases
- Present your ideas clearly. Use connectors to link your ideas
Make sure you know how to use connectors appropriately (register, punctuation...). If you have any doubts, you should use a good dictionary to check.
  • To express personal opinions: In my opinion, I believe (that) / I feel (that) / it seems to me / in my view /as I see it / I think / personally
  • To show purpose: to / in order to / so as to / so that
  • To list ideas: Firstly / secondly / finally / In the first place / Lastly
  • To contrast ideas: However / although / in contrast / whereas / but / nevertheless / in spite of / despite
  • To describe a cause: Because / since / as / due to
  • To show a sequence: First of all / then / after that / eventually / in the end / finally
  • To add information: In addition / moreover / what is more / besides / too / furthermore / and
  • To describe a consequence: Consequently / as a result / therefore / so / thus / for this reason / that is why
  • To conclude the topic: In conclusion / to sum up / in short / all in all
Model questions and answers

Essay 1 - Model question

In your English class, you have recently had a discussion about relationships. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Is it better to live alone or with someone else?
Write about:
1. independence
2. money
3. ________ (your own idea)
Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Essay 1 - Model answer

Nowadays more people are deciding to live by themselves. Some people claim this is more enjoyable and in young people it develops a sense of responsibility, whereas others disagree.
The main advantage of living alone is that there is nobody to tell you what to do, so you can live your life in your own way. What is more, you can organise or decorate your house as you want. There is no one else to disagree with.
On the other hand, it can be quite lonely for some people. By nature, we are social animals. Secondly, it is more expensive because you have to pay all the rent and bills yourself, so you have less money to enjoy yourself. Last but not least, it can be quite hard to find a nice flat for one person, so you might not be able to live in the best area.
To sum up, there are strong arguments on both sides. In conclusion, I believe that living alone is better for older people who have more money and like privacy but not for young people who need to share the costs.
(+/- 180 words)

Essay 2 - Model question

In your English class you have been talking about happiness. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Whether you are happy or not depends on the personality you are born with. Do you agree?
Write about:
1. money
2. health
3. ________ (your own idea)
Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Essay 2 - Model answer

Some people claim they are naturally cheerful. However, in my view, how we lead our lives is the main reason we are either happy or unhappy.
Take money, for example. Money doesn't automatically make us happy. In fact, it makes some people very unhappy because they are frightened of losing what they've got. On the other hand, if we're not greedy and don't spend it foolishly, it can reduce stress and give us security.
Then consider health. If we eat badly, get too little sleep and don't exercise, our health will decline and make us miserable. Eating well and going for lovely long walks in the countryside can make us feel better generally.
The third thing I think is important is to have a positive outlook on life. We should all enluy things like music and being with our friends. At the same time, it's important to spend time alone and live as simply as possible, which is not easy in the 21st century!
All these make a big difference to our happiness, no matter what our natural temperament.

Paper 2 Part 2 - Article

AN ARTICLE is usually written for an English-language magazine or newsletter, and the reader is assumed to have similar interests to the writer. The main purpose is to inform, interest and engage the reader, so there should be some opinion or comment.


  • Add a short title to catch the reader's attention. Make sure it is relevant. You can use the one in the question or invent one of your own.
  • Introduce the topic. Although you don't know the readers personally, you can address them directly and ask them a rhetorical question. It helps to involve them.
  • Divide your report into sections according to the input. One or two paragraphs will do.
  • Develop the ideas in the task input. Remember .
    • Use a personal or more neutral style, but not formal (you might use contractions).
    • It is important that you show a range of structures.
    • Give examples where appropriate to bring your article to life
    • Use humour where appropriate.
  • Give a conclusion and summary in the last paragraph.

Useful language for an article

Involving the reader

  • Just imagine...
  • Have you ever...?
  • How would you feel if ...?
  • Are you one of those people who ...?
  • If the answer is ..., you should....
  • What would live be like if...
Making the article lively and interesting

  • I was absolutely terrified when I realised...
  • More importantly, it was something I...
  • Not surprisingly, it's a good way of raising money.
  • The tent was worryingly small for three people!
  • It was the most amazing experience I have ever had.
Developing your points

  • Let's start with ...
  • Another advantage of ...
  • On top of that, ...
Giving your own opinion

  • I think that / In my opinion ...
  • It seems to me that ...
  • If you ask me, ...
  • To my mind...

Article- Model question 2

You see this announcement in an international magazine.

Articles wanted
Life on a desert island
Imagine you were on a desert island. What important object, person or place in your life would you miss most? What would be the reasons?
Write us an article answering these questions.
We will publish the best articles in the magazine.
Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Article - Model answer 2

Life on a desert island
How would you feel about living on a desert island? I can't imagine anything worse! I'd miss a lot of things but most of all, I would miss my home.
My home is a small house on the outskirts of a city. It was built about 50 years ago and has a small garden. In the summer, our country gets very hot but our house is always cool. You'd probably think our house is nothing special, but I have lived there all my life and all my friends live nearby. It's a happy place, where I feel completely safe. Whenever I go away, I look forward to coming back, lying on my bed, reading a book and listening to my brother and sister arguing downstairs!
I love travelling and meeting new people, but if I were on a desert island, I'd be away from the place I love most: my home; and I would hate that.
[+/- 160 words]

Paper 2 Part 2 - Report

A REPORT is usually written for a superior (e.g. a teacher) or a peer group (e.g. members of an English club). Candidates are expected to give some factual information and make suggestions or recommendations. A report should be clearly organised and may include headings.


  • Begin by stating the purpose of your report.
  • You may invent where you got the information.
  • Use a clear layout with:
    • Headings. They will make it clear that your report is not an essay or review.
    • Lists of numbered points or bullets where appropriate. (DON'T overdo it, though. If you use them in more than one section, you won't be able to show the full range of structures and vocabulary you know.)
  • Divide your report into sections according to the input.
  • Develop the ideas in the task input. Focus on a maximum of two points.
  • Give a clear summary of the situation and make a comment/suggestion only in the last paragraph.
  • Use an impersonal, semi-formal style.

Useful language for a report

Stating the purpose of the report (paragraph 1)

  • The main aim/objective/purpose of this report is to ...
Describing how you got the information (paragraph 1)

  • To prepare for this report, I conducted interviews with... / I visited three of the most popular... / I discussed the issue with...
Reporting your results (paragraphs 2, 3, ...)

  • According to ...
  • All those who were interviewed believe that/are concerned that... / It is thought that... / It was commented upon by a number of people we talked to that...
  • A cause of dissatisfaction was...
Presenting a list

  • The arguments against ... are the following:
    1. 1 ...
    2. 2 ...
  • The following were the main reasons given for supporting ...: firstly, ..., secondly, ...
  • Points mentioned in favour of/against ... were:
    1. 1 ...
    2. 2 ...
  • There are several ways in which ... might be ... :
    1. 1 ...
    2. 2 ...
Making recommendations (Last paragraph)

  • Taking all the factors mentioned into account...
  • I would therefore recommend ....
  • Clearly, more could be done to .... I would make the following recommendations:
    • 1 ...
    • 2 ...
    • 3 ...      

Model questions and answers

Report - Model question 1

Your English teacher has asked you to write a report on where people can eat out in your area. You should include the views of visitors and local people, comment on any recent trends and dissatisfaction and make a recommendation.
Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Report - Model answer 1

Local eating places
The main purpose of this report is to give an overview of the town's eating facilities. As part of the survey, both tourists and local residents were asked their views.
Cafés, pubs and restaurants
There are a number of good quality restaurants in the area, which cater for most tastes: pizza houses, sushi bars, exclusive French restaurants and gastro pubs. We are also fortunate to have several cafés and sandwich bars, which are very popular in the mornings with young mothers and children and with office workers at lunchtime.
Recent trends/Dissatisfaction
It was reported that in recent years most of the fast food restaurants had extended their hours, with most open until midnight. It was also stated that prices had gone up dramatically in some of the better restaurants and, as a consequence, people are going out less than they used to or eating at cheaper restaurants.
Room for improvement/Recommendations
The main area of concern among a number of people interviewed was the lack of vegetarian meals available in many of the restaurants and it is recommended that restaurants are made aware of this view.
[+/- 185 words]

Report - Model question 2

Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another country for two weeks. Your principal has asked you to write a report. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of accepting this group? What would you recommend?
Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Report - Model answer 2

Report on proposed visit by 50 overseas students
The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting a large group of students from overseas for two weeks. I have discussed the issue with all the senior members of college staff.
All those I interviewed believe that for students, this would be an exciting opportunity to explore a foreign culture, both in the classroom and socially. Overall, they thought the visit would be stimulating for the college at a quiet time of the year.
Some members of staff are concerned that:
  1. there would be insufficient seating in the library at busy times.
  2. the visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying.
  3. the restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime.
Conclusion and recommendation
Clearly, the visit might involve some practical difficulties, but on the whole, everyone thought that it should be seen as an opportunity not to be missed. I would therefore suggest that the college accepts the group.
[+/- 170 words]

Report - Model question 3

You work for the Student Travel Agency of your college. The principal of the college is interested in the experiences of students who have worked abroad during their summer holidays. She has asked you to write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of such work. In particular, she wants to know whether the college should recommend "working holidays" to its students.
Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Report - Model answer 3

Working holidays for students
The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of working holidays abroad. In order to obtain this information, I interviewed more than 30 students who had worked in different countries.
The benefits of working holidays
A large number of the students I spoke to said that they had enjoyed working abroad and had become more open-minded as a result. Apparently, they felt they had learnt a lot about the local people and their way of life by working side by side with them.
The disadvantages of working holidays
Not surprisingly, many students complained that they had worked too hard in certain countries. They believed that they had been exploited by their employers, who paid them very little money. According to some students, there had also been problems with documents such as work permits.
Conclusions and Recommendations
It appears that the majority of students found the experience of working abroad very beneficial. Therefore, I believe that the college should recommend "working holidays" to its students. However, it should also warn them about the problems they could face and the precautions they need to take.
[+/- 190 words]


Paper 2 Part 2 - Review

A REVIEW is usually written for an English-language magazine, newspaper or website. The main purpose is to describe and express a personal opinion about something which the writer has experienced (e.g. a film, a holiday, a product, a website etc.) and to give the reader a clear impression of what the item discussed is like. Description and explanation are key functions for this task, and a review will normally include a recommendation to the reader.


  • It is a good idea to give your review an interesting title.
  • In the first paragraph, say what you are reviewing and try to get the reader's interest.
  • Give your opinion of what you are reviewing linked to the question in the second paragraph. Remember a review is not just a list of facts - it's largely your opinion.
  • Give more details of what your are reviewing linked to the questions in the input in one or two more paragraphs, but only focus on those you've been asked to develop.
  • Summarise your view, using different words from the introduction, and include a recommendation.
  • Remember.
    • Use a personal or more neutral style, according to the target reader.
    • It is important that you show a range of structures in the language of opinion, description and recommendation.
    • Add vivid language to add interest.

Useful language for a review

What I liked
  • What I liked most was …..
  • The thing I liked most was ….
  • I was pleasantly surprised by …..
  • ….. would appeal to …..
  • If you get a chance to ….
What I disliked
  • What I disliked most was …..
  • I was disappointed by/with ……
Reviews of books
  • main character
  • is set in
  • Fiction: science fiction / thriller / fantasy / mystery / historical / romance ...
  • Non-fiction: cook book / travel book / textbook / manual / coffee-table book ...
  • atmosphere / plot
  • author
  • written by
  • chapter
  • factual
  • unbelievable
  • bestseller
  • ending
Reviews of concerts
  • artist / band / musician / (bass/lead/rhythm) guitarist / (backing/lead) singer / drummer / soloist / trio / orchestra
  • auditorium / hall / venue / lyrics / (catchy) tune / score / gig
Reviews of exhibitions
  • painting / sculpture / handicrafts
  • gallery / catalogue / display
Reviews of films
  • lead role
  • star role
  • star
  • star actor/actress
  • starring
  • secondary role
  • He plays a …….
  • written by ….
  • cast / director / producer
  • is set in …..
  • based on a true story …..
  • believable
  • true to life
  • not very believable
  • far-fetched
  • (As for fiction books +): animation / adaptation / comedy
  • Costumes / design / photography / script / special effects / soundtrack
  • ending
Reviews of TV programmes
  • Chat shows / current affairs programme / debate / documentary / series / soap opera/ sitcom (situation comedy)
  • Host / presenter
Reviews of hotels, restaurants, etc
  • location
  • service
  • setting
  • attractive / disappointing setting
  • owned by
  • run by
  • head chef (restaurant)
  • waiters (restaurant)
  • staff …….
  • staff at reception …….(hotel)
  • hotel facilities ….
  • reasonable prices …..
  • good/excellent/poor value for money …..
  • (a bit/somehow) expensive
  • overpriced
  • not worth the money
  • always fully booked
  • book in advance
  • The script seemed rather conventional/predictable to me.
  • The plot struck me as completely bizarre/absurd/incomprehensible
  • The characters are appealing and true to life
  • The dancers were quite brilliant/amateurish
  • Judging from this CD / show ...
  • Overall, if you like ..., you'll love / you should ...
  • Although some of ... he/she/it's still a great...
  • You really must/should buy/see/read/visit ...
  • I would definitely recommend seeing/visiting/reading/having a look at ...

Model questions and answers

Review- Model question 1

You have seen this announcement in your college English-language magazine.

Music reviews wanted
Have you been to a great music concert recently?
Write us a review of the concert, telling us about the band or singer and their performance. Say whether you would recommend seeing them perform live.
We will publish the best reviews next month.
Write your review in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Review - Model answer 1

A gig to remember
Without doubt, the British rock band Arctic Monkeys have given this year's best live show. As teenagers a few years ago, they made the fastest selling album ever but seemed shy and awkward on stage. Now they have matured and become an amazing live act.
Since the frontman Alex decided to cut his hair and dress like a skinny rock star of the 1950s, he moves confidently around the stage, waving his arms and encouraging us to shake our hips. The crowd were ecstatic!
The set began with their hit, Do you wanna know. The guitar playing was tight, as always, and the rhythm supported by Matt's powerful drumming. The band were on top form throughout, winning fans with a list that combined older with new hits.
My only reservation is that although the songs have clever lyrics and great melodies and sound fresh every time, some lack the emotional and poetic force of their best.
But this is a minor criticism. Overall, it was a performance to remember and all fans should try and catch them while they're on tour.
[+/- 185 words]

Review- Model question 2

You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

Book reviews wanted
Have your read a book recently with a story that has held your attention? Write a review of the book, explaining what the story is about and whether the characters are convincing. Tell us whether or not you would recommend it both to younger and older readers
The best reviews will be published in the magazine.
Write your review in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.

Review - Model answer 2

Animal Farm, by George Orwell
This is an unusual book, set on a farm. The characters, led by the pigs, are mainly animals, who get rid of the cruel, drunken human owner and take over the farm. They set up a government of their own.
The story isn't exciting but it's clever. At first, after the revolution, the animals are equal but later the pigs become more powerful and start to change everything. By the end of the novel, the animals realise they have gone back to where they started.
In one way, the story is obviously not a true story but in another way, it is meant to tell the story of communism from a satirical point of view.
The characters are very convincing. Napoleon, the leader of the pigs, is strong and corrupt. Other animals are honest but weak. They all represent people and the events in Russia in the 1920s and 30s.
Although I enjoyed this book, I can imagine older people who were brought up when communism was still strong in the world and have probably read a lot about the Russian Revolution, would enjoy it even more.
[+/- 190 words]

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THE PROFICIENCY BOOK ARTICLES . The use of the articles in English. Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you ...