Men & Women 

If not for an aphorism  (I wouldn't have met my future wife)
If not for my mom, I wouldn't be a writer today. When I was a little girl, I rarely saw her without a book in her hand.Teresa Medeiros

I was an aspiring aphorist at the time, so the globe contained what I considered some of my best lines:
Never trust an animal-no matter how many legs it has. There are certain mistakes we enjoy so much we are always willing to repeat them. 

Knowledge may have its purposes, but guessing is always more fun than knowing.

AGE / AGING (process of getting old) envejecimiento.

Age doesn't matter unless you're a cheese.

You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old. George Burns

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? Satchel Paige

(I wonder) Why (is it that) as / when we get older, we get / become more fearful (of death and being left alone)? Sandra Bullock.

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. C.S. Lewis

Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears. John Lennon

A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. John Barrymore.

Aging is a fact of life. Looking your age isn't / is not. Howard Murad

Note: + adj: appear to be: parecer

Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. Mark Twain

Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever. Walt Disney

Note: unaffected by time or fashion, (atemporal): This actress has a timeless beauty. 2. everlasting, eternal)
Note: always and forever adv (for all time) por siempre, para siempre.

ATRACTION / SEXINESS / SEX APPEAL / SENSUALITY  (sexual attractiveness). 

Men learn to love the woman they are attracted to. Women learn to become attracted to the man they fall in love with. Woody Allen 

Sexiness is all about your personality, being genuine and confident, and being a good person. Erin Heatherton

I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in you or it isn't and it really doesn't have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips. Sophia Loren
Syn: 1. nature: the quality of true love is not selfish; 2. (calidad): a suit of high quality.

Sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder (1). I think it should beAbsolutely. My sex appeal, whatever it might be, isn't obvious... at least to me. Sharon Tate
Syn: onlooker, watcher, expectador, obeservador; (1): beauty is subjective.

Sexiness wears thin after awhile / a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that is a treat. (for a short time, vanish, disappear)
Noteif something such as a feeling or explanation wears thin, it becomes gradually weaker or harder to accept: After 50 pages, the reader’s patience starts to wear thin. (agotarse, acabarse)


Trust me when I say: Marriage can be a lot / much / far / way lonelier than being alone.

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. Orson Welles

Being alone isn’t necessarily bad. When you start to enjoy (the feeling of) being alone, you might find a new sense of fulfillment (accomplishment, meeting requirements)

The notion of being alone is seemingly taboo these days.

BIGAMY (marrying more than one person)

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. Oscar Wilde

Note: informal, euphemism (a slight excess of); John had one too many and was hungover the next day. (una copa de mas)

When a married man sleeps with someone else, it's bigamy, a crime. When a woman does the same, she is independent and it's her choice. Nitya Prakash


A bride at her second marriage does not wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting.

"The Princess Bride" is by far the most popular film I've ever done (so far). I don't think I'll ever top it / that (one). Wallace Shawn
Note: 1. surpass, 2. be the best among: I used to top my class in math / all the time / so easily. But now we have a new student, and I'm no longer the topper. I feel bad about it. (inf. outstanding person)

As a kid, I wasn't sure that I would ever get married - I was not the kind of little girl who played at being a bride (pretend, make believe sth): playing at doctors and nurses.


Beauty is the promise of happiness. Stendhal

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. Shanina Shaik

Succeeding as a model is not just about good looks. (no se basa solamente en la belleza).

Beauty is grace (elegance) and confidence / loving yourself. I've learned to accept and appreciate what nature gave me. Lindsay Lohan

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful. Zoe Kravitz

Live life and enjoy it. That's the real key to beauty! Michelle Visage


Charm is deceptive, and beauty disappears is fleeting (brief, efimera); but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

* A likeable young man / fellow: readily or easily liked or pleasing. 
* n. I have a liking for cats (a fondness for, cariño, debilidad); None of the shoes they had were really to my liking (taste: de mi gusto)

You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer "yes" without having asked / having to ask any clear question. Albert Camus

Being charm is beneficial because it allows you to get women to let their guard down around you.

I want you to like me, but I don't care if you don't; that's where the real charm is for me / (that's what charm is for me)

Being charming. Is there a more enviable quality? We'd hate charming people if we didn't love them so much.

That's what charm is: being malicious about everybody except the person you are with, who then glows with the privilege of exemption.

How to be charming: Charm is the art of having an attractive personality. Some people charm others the moment they enter a room, while others earn a reputation as a charmer over a period of time. 

How to Get People to Like You. Nobody can be liked by everybody, but sometimes it's important for your social life or your career to become more likeable. And it's possible.

You can get almost anyone to like you. Becoming more liked might just be as easy as taking some extra interest in their life and interests!

You can do this in much the same way you can get almost anyone to do almost anything. By first appealing to their emotions.

While everyone is born with differing amounts of natural charm, much can be acquired and honed through practice.
Syn: refine (skills), 2. sharpen (afilar)


You know what it's like having five kids? Imagine you're drowning. And someone hands you a baby.

Kids today know way / far / much / a lot more than (what) you think they do, with the Internet and 500 TV channels. Rodney Carrington

Not having children is one less worry. Children are a worry! Jeanne Calment

Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. Robert Fulghum

When you lose a spouse, you're a widow or widower; when you lose your parents, you're an orphan. (However), When you lose a child, there's no word in the (whole / entire) English language for that position (location), that place that you're left. F. McDormand

When you lose a child there is a pain so great that it seems to stay with you until your dying day. CHILDHOOD

Childhood is the sleep of reason. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I'm spending my adulthood wishing I were younger. Ricky Schroder

Most of the time, a kid doesn't think about what he's doing or why. This is the privilege of childhood. Robert Fulghum  

When I look back on my childhood, I wonder how I survived at all. Frank McCourt 

A happy childhood ... is the worst possible preparation for life. Kinky Friedman


Note: self-assertion n (confident expression of opinions): asertividad

Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt

Note. halfway. inf. fig. (somewhat, un poco, a medias): It's hard to get a halfway decent cup of coffee around here.

I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There is no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it. Eminem

Syn.(in an intermediate position) entremedio adv en medio. 

We have to dare to be ourselves, however strange that self may prove to be. M. Sarton.

One thing I want you to understand is if I make a decision, it's my decision. M. Singletary
Note: decision(-)maker/maker.

If I was gay, why wouldn't I admit it? It wouldn't harm me. Simon Cowell

I'm still me, no matter if I'm gay or straight or whatever. Elvis Duran
Syn: heterosexual, (hetero)

I'd like to have more self-esteem. but I don't deserve it.

My inferiority complex isn't as good as everyone else's.

Self-acceptance and self-love is the key to inner peace and contentment. (happy satisfaction, joy)

Confidence comes from realizing that you are worthy of being heard. Break the habit of criticizing yourself, your ideas and your writing.

COURTSHIP (see engagement)

1. A period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship before getting married. 
2. Behavior designed to persuade someone to marry one.

Highly romantic courtships don't guarantee living happily ever after / anything, but they are associated with a longer road to divorce.

Women are typically more interested in getting married than men, so they'll process their concerns (worries, fears), but they won't do anything to interrupt the courtship. (interfere with, break) 
Note: court [ˈkɔːt] like "caught".
Syn(handle systematically), controlar, procesan (deal with, manage, take care of, handle)

There used to be a time when I believed that courtship was necessary for marriage. I guess this came from the tradition in my family whereby (through which) courtship  preceded marriage.

Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably. Shakespeare.

Syn. (court: a woman) cortejar, pretender, atraer a,  enamorar.  


Dating without wanting to get married is like shopping without money. You either leave disappointed or take something that isn't yours.

Well, dating has become a sport and not about finding the person you love.

I can't imagine dating someone famous. I try to stay away from that as much as I can.

I dated a lot, but I never really had anyone who was worthy of an anniversary. And most girlfriends never made it to a year, anyway.

DISHONESTY / INSINCERITY (falseness, falsehood, falsity) / HYPOCRISY / FALSE MORALITY / DOUBLE STANDARDS (doble moral) 

The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy. William HazlittSyn: regret, remorse (sadness for action)

Dishonesty is so grasping it would deceive God himself, were it possible. George Bancroft Syn: tenacious, stubborn, obstinate, 2. figurative (greedy): avaro, avaricioso.

One of the reasons (why) I don't trust the media is you can't have a double standard for guys you like and dislike. Charles Barkley 

When I kiss a girl for a part, people think it's sexy. But if two guys kiss, suddenly there's a backlash. It's a double standard. Olivia Wilde
Syn: a negative or violent response / reaction.

We're against hypocrisy, lies, bigotry, show business, insincerity, phonies, and fakers. Ian Brown. That's what show business is, sincere insincerity. Benny Hil

DIVORCE / (ROMANTIC) SEPARATION / BREAKUP (see couple estrangement)

It takes two to destroy a marriage.   

Note: from "it takes two (to tango)": you mean that a situation or argument involves two people and they are both therefore responsible for it.  

Nothing is a waste of time unless you think it is.

Note. (estrange vs strange): relationship breakup, often referred to simply as a breakup, is the termination of an intimate relationship by any means other than death. The act is commonly termed "dumping (someone)" in slang when it is initiated by one partner. The term is less likely to be applied to a married couple, where a breakup is typically called a separation or divorce.

Getting divorced / just because you don’t love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do. Zsa Zsa Gabor

Getting a divorce (just) because love has died (gone) / you've fallen out of love, is like selling your car because it’s run out of gas.

When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they don't understand one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to.

A divorce is like an amputation: you survive (it), but there's less of you. Margaret Atwood

If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, quit. If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV. The Holstee manifesto


Note: ex. abbr, inf. (ex-husband/wife/boyfriend/girlftriend): ex nm: Her ex has asked if he can move back in (volver a mudarse con ella): His ex has just gotten married to a military guy (a soldier, (serve in the military); I had lunch with my ex yesterday.

As soon as your ex sees you smiling, thats the minute they want you back.

Dating an ex is the equivalent of failing a test you already had the answers to. K. Cole.

Dear Ex…when you see me I want you to recognize what we had,  regret what you have lost and (realize) what you're never getting back.

I still love all my ex's, Not romantically, but as people. They once gave me happiness, why should I hate them? I wish for nothing but the best for them.

I don't have Exes, I have Ys. Like, 'Y the hell did I date you?'.

(Have you) Ever looked at your ex and wondered ... was as I drunk the entire relationship?

EX means . . . Thanks for the EXperience; Your time has EXpired; Now EXit my life.

EXTROVERSION / EXTRAVERSION (outgoing behaviour, focusing outward)

My extroversion is a way of managing my introversión.

Highly extro(a)verted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets.

People high on the neurotic scale essentially have the exact opposite view of the past and are less happy as a result.


Always love...but never fall in love, because everything that falls gets broken.

You can't blame gravity for falling in love. A. Einstein

How did I ever get so lucky to fall in love with my best friend.

When you are in love, you want your partner to love you as much as you love him.

It’s not that I can’t fall in love. It’s really that I can’t help falling in love with too many things all at once. So, you must understand why I can’t distinguish between what’s platonic and what isn’t, because it’s all too much and not enough at the same time.”― Jack Kerouac

The problem is not being in love or loving someone. The problem is individuals' attitudes and behaviours when in love or when loving someone.

When you are in love you want your partner to be happy. You want your partner also to connect with all the important people in your life.

Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

Syn: 1. having no particular interest or concern: a person who is indifferent to the sufferings of others.  2 neutral 

People make films about all kinds of relationships, but they won't do these extremely intense platonic love affairs that happen between young girls. In a way they are more intense than anything else you ever have, and that's what I wanted to make a film about, though it was in the context of a horror film.Mary Harron


FATHERHOOD / FATHER / BEING A DAD (see parenthood and parenting) 

I hope I can be as good of a father to my son as my dad was to me.

A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be. F. Clark

A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be.
Note: to have in mind as one's purpose or intention; intend: She meant no harm.

It's not until you become a father that you can understand what being a father really means.

It's not until you become a father that you can find empathy for your father.

It is much / a lot / way / far easier to become a father than to be oneKent Nerburn

One of the greatest tragedies of life is that fathers and sons can love each other deeply  without ever getting to know each other. Get to know each other. M. Josephson

Do you understand what being a father means? You do understand what being a father means, don't youYou will not have the same freedom as you did before.To understand what being a father means, we have to remember that God is our Father. 

My dad has given me the best gift anyone has ever given me. He gave me wings to fly.  And I've learned to appreciate everything that has been given to me.
Note: Life has been given us to enjoy. Nikolai Leskov

Whoever does not have a good father should procure oneFriedrich Nietzsche

My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.

Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right. Wade Boggs

You don't have to deserve your mother's love. You have to deserve your father's
Robert Frost.

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Theodore Hesburgh

FEAR (to be afraid to/of, (to) fear that/sth, (n). my fear of; for fear that / fearing that)

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real

Laughter is poison to fear.

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.

Fears are nothing more than a state of mind. Napoleon Hill

If you fear loneliness, (then) don't (ever) marry / get married. Anton Chekhov

If you are ever afraid of anything, do not deny it, but behave as if you feared nothing.

A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.M. de Montaigne

He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears.

My whole life I've had the fear that I was going to be abandoned.  Halle Berry

Cease to hope and you will cease to fear. Hecato.

My fear of roses is a thorny issue. I'm not sure what it stems from, but it seems likely I'll be stuck with it.

I used to be afraid of / have a fear of  hurdles. I eventually / but then (I) got over it.
Syn: in the end, after some time, con el tiempo, al final.

I used have a fear of hurdles

I have seen actresses avoiding food out of fear that beauty would be lost.  Tamannaah

It's people who are repressed and cannot express their fears that are dangerous. Julie Taymor

People living deeply have no fear of death. 

The only thing we have to fear is fear itselfFranklin D. Roosevelt

Instead of worrying about what people say of you, why not spend time trying to accom-plish something they will admire. Dale Carnegie 
Note: Instead, why don't you spend time watching something better?

If you are afraid to be alone, it means you're afraid of your thoughts. Conversely, if you loved your thoughts, you would love to be alone anywhere with them. You wouldn't have to turn on the radio when you get in the car or the TV when you get home.

But wait a minute! You may be asking, that voice in my head, isn't me? Don't I think my thoughts? You can answer this for yourself; if the voice in the head is you, (then) who is listening to it.

The most intimate relationship is the one (that) you have with your thoughts. Thoughts create your world and your identity in every moment.
Note: You are the one that I want (Grease)

The way you relate to your thoughts. That's what you bring to every relationship you have, including with yourself

Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears. Rudyard Kipling

What does "fear" stand for? Some people say fear itself is an acronym standing for "False Evidence Appearing Real". This may very well be true.


FIDELITY / FAITHFULNESS (to a partner) / LOYALTY (to a cause)

Fidelity is a gift, not a requirement. Lilli Palmer

Faithful women are all alike, they think only of their fidelity, never of their husbands. Jean Giraudoux

Fidelity - (is) a virtue peculiar to (1) those who are about to be betrayed. Ambrose Bierce
Syn: (1) unique to, characteristic of (característico de); virtue (admirable trait) n. characte-ristic, rasgo, qualidad; distinguishing feature.

Why are we so obsessed with monogamous fidelity? Richard Dawkins

Men don't deceive their wives unless they love them. When they love them most, they deceive them. It's a form of fidelity, their deceit. Jean Giraudoux

FLIRT (flirting strategies) / SEDUCTION / MAKING OUT / HOOKING UP
Note: seducer (male) vs seductress (female)

Why does a man take it for granted that a girl who flirts with him wants him to kiss her--when, nine times out of ten, she only wants him to want to kiss...?

It's hard being a woman in the music industry, period. A lot of the time, guys make you kinda feel (like) sometimes you need to hook up with them or flirt with them just to make a song. 

I first started playing in piano bars for three reasons: to make money, to be in the company of my friends, and also to hook up with young girls.

There are a lot of girls that will try to hook up with you, then try to have your kid because they figure they're going to get all this money from you. Dustin Diamond

I've calmed down already. I don't hook up anymore. Nicole Polizzi

I'm (tired and) sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. Mitch Hedberg
Note:  "catch up with" and "hook up with" are not interchangeable in meaning.


A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else.
Len Wein

However rare true love may be, it is less so than true friendship. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. Jean de La Fontaine

The world would be a better place if only there were more people like you in it.
Note: "Only" for emphasis. 

We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. Orson Welles 
Syn: for now (de momento, por el momento)

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun
Charles R. Swindoll

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Jim Morrison

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. Hubert H. Humphrey

True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks. St. Jerome

Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. Elbert Hubbard


Gender equality is not only an issue for women and girls. Justin Trudeau

Gender equality / Sexual equality should not be a concern for only women and girls, but also for men and boys.
Syn: problem, argument, conflict, controversia, disputa.

Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility. Ban Ki-moon

There is no denying that we have made great progress toward gender equality. S. Coontz

True gender equality in Scotland, and elsewhere, is still some way off. Nicola Sturgeon  Syn: a long way off (in the distant future, muy lejos)


It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. Friedrich Nietzsche

A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her. Oscar Wilde

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.  Mignon McLaughlin

It is said that for a marriage to be successful, you need to fall in love again and again with the same person.

For a marriage to be successful, you need to love your partner, more, than you want to win an argument and prove you are right. Susan Jacobson

The most important four words for a successful marriage: 'I'll do the dishes". (1. Instant decision, a decision we make while we are speaking, 2. a promise or offer, 3. a prediction)

A happy marriage is a long conversation which / that always seems too short.

A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. Michel de Montaigne

Of course, just like there will be times when you need your partner to be there for you, there will also be times when they'll need you to do the same for them. 

HARASMENT & BULLING AT WORK (sexual harassment) acoso.

Bullying is never fun, it's a cruel and terrible thing to do to someone. If you are being bullied, it is not your fault. No one deserves to be bullied, ever. Raini Rodriguez

I realized that bullying never has to do with you. It's the bully who's insecure. S. Mitchel

Bullying is killing our kids. Being different is killing our kids and the kids who are bullying are dying inside. We have to save our kids whether they are bullied or (they are) bullying (others) They are all in pain. Cat Cora

I think everyone deals with bullying; whether they are bullied or bullying others, and I think its obvious that I went through that too.

You can't be against bullying without actually doing something about it. Randi Weingarten


It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. A. Gide

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them? Abraham Lincoln.

Do I not destroy my enemies by making them my friends? Abraham Lincoln.

If you can't ignore an insult, top it; if you can't top it, laugh it off and if you can't laugh it off, it's probably deserved.
Syn. surpass (mejorar, superar) 2. (be the best among) ser el primero: The student topped his class. (ocupaba el primer lugar de su clase)


* heartbreaking adj. (unbearably sad, desgarrador); heartbreaker (a good-looking person)

That's how hearts get broken, you know. When you believe in promises.

People may break your heart and drive you crazily. God is the only dependable person you should rely on.

I've always said (that) you have to go through a lot of heartache in life to feel joy.  


Go to a place where you're not going to be stressed, because a honeymoon itself can be a (really) / the most stressful thing.

Tom and I will always be in our honeymoon phase.  Katie Holmes.

I was so nervous on the night of my honeymoon, (that) I put my pants to bed, and I hung over a chair. Bobby Heenan

Note1: fig. inf. (stop, end, poner cierre): It's time we put all these vicious rumours to bed.
Note2: bed (v,tr.): 1. house, to provide with a bed, to have sleeping accommodations: We bedded them for a week; We can bed here for the night; 2. bed the children.


My ideal man is faithful, honest, and a gentleman who knows how to treat women. I. Shayk

The Ideal Man! Oh, the Ideal Man should talk to us as if we were goddesses, and treat us as if we were children. Oscar Wilde (from the play "a woman of no importance") 


My ideal woman would be someone with both beauty and intelligence. Someone who can get along with my family and respects elders, loves children, and have a sense of humour as whacky as mine. And I would like her to be someone who sees things clearly.
Syn: crazy, funny

There is one type of ideal woman very seldom described in poetry - the old maid, the woman whom sorrow or misfortune prevents from fulfilling her natural destiny. L. Hearn

If you get 10,000 guys to put their ideal woman into a computer, it still comes out looking like Angelina Jolie. Sally Phillips

INFIDELITY / BETRAYAL (disloyalty: lack of faithfulness, betrayal of trust. Slang: cheating,  two-timing)

Most women think cheating is 'disgusting' … until they fall for a man that likes them back; but isn’t willing to leave his lover for them. Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Eighty percent of married men cheat in America. The rest cheat in Europe. Jackie Mason

It's impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself. Ralph Waldo Emerson

What's the point in fighting for freedom if you're not free enough to know whether you're being lied to or not?

(In order) For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first. Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games.


No matter how well you do, no matter how successful you are, they're always going to criticize you. Todd Bridges

A little jealousy can be quite healthy in a marriage.


Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame.

It took living alone for me to really get to know myself. Camila Mendes

You know, one of my fears about living alone so long is that you get used to doing everything your own way. Terry McMillan

It's amazing living alone. I'm very lucky. It's like a refuge. Paloma Faith

I've lived on my own since I was 18, and I really love living alone. That, to me, is just great. Danielle Fishel

I am convinced that living alone shapes the personality. Mary Douglas


It's lonely at the top; but you do eat better.

There's one thing worse than being alone: wishing you were. Bob Steele.

Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love. (The art of loving: An inquiry into the nature of love, Erich Fromm) 

Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest ironyDouglas Coupland.

The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for.

Looking for love when you're lonely is like going shopping when you're hungry. You'll end up with / getting something to (temporarily) satisfy you but it's never good for you in the long run.

If you are (ever) afraid of lonelinessdon't marry / don't (ever) get married." Chekhov. 

People are much / a lot / way / far lonelier than they used to be.

Treat loneliness as an old friend who’s dropped in for a visit (despite not having received an invitation).

Nobody gets their way all the time and, let’s face it, life isn’t always fun. This is true for everyone. The bottom line is that loneliness is one of those unpleasant  moments in your life. 

It’s almost impossible to feel lonely when you’re singing. I’ve tried it, and it works. I know from personal experience that loneliness can be hard to bear.

We are all born alone and die alone. The loneliness is definitely part of the journey of life. Jenova Chen  

A writer is never alone, he is always with himself. Bangambiki Habyarimana.
No feeling is final. If you can be patient with your loneliness, it’s likely that by tomorrow, it will have eased a bit. All emotions are impermanent (temporary). They arise and pass, arise and pass.
Syn. Syn: n. lack of difficulty, relief, comfort, fig. peace of mind. 2. V. reduce pressure / tension, relieve, loosen, relax. final (will not change, definitivo)


Loneliness is, like, when you wish someone else was there (with you to share the fun), and solitude is when you enjoy being alone.


I'd rather be respected than loved. Eli Broad

I wish I had met you sooner, so I could love you longer.

It's not what I feel for you. It's / but what I don't for anyone but you. 

Truewe love lifenot because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. Friedrich Nietzsche

I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There's no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for itEminem 

Be who you are and say what you feel / do what you love, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mindDr. Seuss

Life is short. This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. Don't (ever) let anyone tell you not to do it (or what to do with your life). You got a dream, you got to protect it. 

The most beautiful words in the world are not "I love you", but "It's benign. Woody Allen.

It is much / way / far better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. Andre Gide

If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with. Stephen Stills.

My mom always told me: do what you love, love what you do. That's why I'm a musician.

You do what you want, what you love. Do it often and do it unapologetically. (expressing no regret)

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Either you love me or you don't. There's no in betweem. It's not rocket science.

No one has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold. (contain).

Never love anybody who treats you like you’re ordinary. Oscar Wilde

Is It better to love or be loved? Is it better to be the lover or the loved one? Neither, if your cholesterol is over six hundred.

Why is it (always) better to love than (to) be loved? It is surer. Sacha Guitry 

The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten. William Faulkner. (sorrow, extreme sadness)

Infantile love follows the principle: 'I love because I am loved.' Mature love follows the principle: 'I am loved because I love.'

If you don't receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it. Robert Goolrick (to be supposed to)

Don't forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally. Hannah Bronfman

Plato once said, “Neither family, nor privilege, nor wealth, nor anything but love can light that beacon which a man must steer by when he sets out to live the better life.” (1, start a journey, 2, disponerse a).

Love truth more than you love yourselves. Love truth more than you love to be praised.

Whatever you do, make sure you love / want to write more than you love / want to be a writer. Make sure you love / want to act more than you love / want to be an actor. That is what will sustain you. Bradley Whitford 

Syn: (food, water: nourish) (a alguien): sustentar, alimentar, mantener


Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.

Love at first sight is possible, but it pays to / don't forget to take a second look.
Note. (be beneficial): It usually pays to be nice to people. (compensa, dar frutos)

Friendship at first sight, like love at first sight, is said to be the only truth. Herman Melville

Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. Sam Levenson

Love at first sight is one of the most labor-saving / time-saving techniques the world has (ever) seen / (One of the most ... is love at first sight).


Just because a relationship ends, it doesn't mean it's not worth having. (no having "it")

Why does everything in this world have a start and an end?

Why does there always have to be an end to everything?" she said. "I don't want tomorrow to come. I want you to hold me here forever.

Why do all good things come to an endWhy does everything in this world have a start and an end?

LOVE SIDE EFFECTS (secondary effect: of drug, love collateral effects)

Unless it is you, finding out who your lover's dream lover is is a nightmare. Mokhonoana

Insecurity is a side effect of loving too much but receiving too little in return

MARRIAGE (Wedlock) / married life

Marriage is give and take. You'd better give it to her or she'll take it anyway. Joey Adams 

Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory. (state of suffering, hell on earth, torture). Shakespeare

Marriage is not about age but about finding the right person!! 

Marriage is (like working in) a workshop, the husband works (while / where) the wife shops!

Marriage is when two people become as one; the trouble starts when they try to decide  which one.

(I have to tell you), Marriage is a roller coaster of emotions, with ups and downs, twists and turns, successes and failures, good times and bad times.
Note: twists and turns (mind games, juegos mentales)

Marriage is a three ring circus: the engagement ring, the wedding ring and suffering.

Marriage is a wonderful institution... but who wants to live in an institution? (RQ) 

Syn. care home (asilo, residencia de ancianos, geriatrico). 2. (cultural norm, tradition) institución: Monogamy is an institution of Western culture. 

The chains of wedlock are so heavy that it takes two to carry them, and sometimes (even) three. (1. archaic: marriage. 2. use of "and" for adding information)

I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives as much as if we had never (been) married at all. Lord Byron

It's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. Robert Frost (to leave, esp. suddenly: He went off with the money).

Never get married in the morning; you never know who you might meet that night.

They say all marriages are made in heaven, but / well, so are thunder and lightning. Clint Eastwood. ("so would / should / did I" or "I would too")

Marriage always demands the greatest understanding of the art of insincerity possible between two human beings. Vicki Baum

Married life is full of excitement and frustration. 

In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens. In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens. In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.


By all means marry: If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC).

Men marry because they are tired; women, because they are curious: both are disappoin-ted. Oscar Wilde 

Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can't help but smile on it.  Note: cannot/can't help but: to be unable to refrain from or avoid; be obliged to: Still, you can't help but admire her.

Marry, and you will regret it; don't marry, you will also regret it; marry or don't marry, you will regret it either way. Whether you marry or don't marry, either way, you will regret it. Either / Or. Søren Kierkegaard (Danish philosopher)

Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.”-Søren Kierkegaard

It is a woman's business to get married as soon as possible, and a man's to keep unmarried as long as he can. George Bernard Shaw
Note: syn: vocation, calling, job, (line of) work, occupation, profession ...

My mother married a very good man ... and she is not at all keen on my doing the same.

Marrying means to halve one's rights and double one's dutiesArthur Schopenhauer 

Getting married is a serious matter for a girl; not getting married is even more (serious) 

George Bernard Shaw said, “It's most unwise for people in love to marry”. Sounds bizarre but not absurd at all. (Nevertheless I want you both to be happy)
Note: syn: inadvisable, irresponsible, foolish (imprudente)

Note: 1. Certainly, absolutely 2. In any way possible, regardless of risk or expense.

I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. Groucho Marx.

If you marry for money, you will earn every penny.

Son: How much does it cost to get married, Dad? Father: I don't know son, I'm still paying for it.

Son: Is it true? Dad, I heard that in ancient China, a man doesn't know his wife until he marries. Father: That happens everywhere, son, everywhere.

The surest way to be alone is to get married. Gloria Steinem


Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right and the other is the husband!

God gave me my husband so (that) we could weather the storms of life together.
Note: syn: endure, resist, capear (climatic conditions)

Nowadays, all the married men live like bachelors, and all the bachelors like married menOscar Wilde (The picture of Dorian Gray)

I ask myself every dayHow (on earth) did I (ever) get so lucky to marry my best friend in this world.

My husband is a great leader even if he isn’t leading the way I want him to.


Married women live longer than single woman, but married women are a lot more willing to die.

When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife. Prince Philip 

If you want your wife to listen to you, then talk to another woman; she will be all ears. Sigmund Freud.

In my house I'm the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. Woddy Allen.

Me and my wife lived happily for twenty years.... then we met. (Correct: My wife and I lived happily for 20 years, then we met).

Note: If you can remove "my wife and" or "and my wife" and it still makes sense then you have the grammar right. Note: "My wife and I" is used as the subject of a sentence and "My wife and me" as the object.

My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort.

Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats. Woody Allen

My wife told me the other day that I don't take her to expensive places any moreso I took her to the gas station.

My wife sent her photograph to the Lonely Hearts Club. They sent it back saying they weren't that lonely. Lee Dawson

Do you know what it’s like, when your wife and kids hate you. And you feel like the whole world is trying to rape you. Do you know what it's like to be raped?(forced sex) "Do you know what it’s like", song by Lecxs Ahziz


I always read that men don't like intelligent girls, but I've always found the reverse
Mary Wesley

Note: The state is there to serve the citizen, not the reverse. Dominic Grieve

I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it. M. Monroe

Men are more prone to cheating (than women), definitely. Blu Cantrell
Syn: having a tendency or inclinationbeing likely.

Men who best get along with women are the very ones who know how to do without them. Charles Baudelaire

You can't keep changing men, so you settle for changing your lipstick. (to be satisfied with)

Man is not the sum of what he has already, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have, of what he could have. Jean-Paul Sartre

Women always worry about the things that men forget; conversely, men always worry about the things women remember. (por el contrario, en cambio)

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator (fridge) are so far apart, some of us / men wouldn't get / do any exercise at all. Joey Adams

Note: "On the other hand" is more along the lines of “as a different aspect in the matter”, whereas "conversely" is more like “stating the matter in the opposite way”. Conversely doesn't work in some cases: I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money. (Here, "conversely" would make no sense). (on the one hand ...)

Do you know what it means to be a man? There are many ideas of what a man is and much of what you think about it depends on where you are coming from. For a Christian, the most important part is your commitment to the Lord.


MEN & WOMEN (men & wife)

A man worries about the future until he gets a wife. A woman never worries about the future until she gets a husband.

By and large, women can bear pain better than men. Syn: On the whole.

I would rather trust a woman's instinct than a man's reason. 

A successful woman is one who makes more money than her husband can spend. A successful man is one who can find such a woman.

To be happy with a woman, you must understand her a lot and love her a little To be happy with a man, you must love him a lot and not try to understand him at all 

A man marries a woman expecting (that) she will change, but she doesn't. A woman marries a man expecting that he won't change but he does.

Men marry women with the hope (that) they will never change. Women marry men with the hope (that) they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. Albert Einstein

(Whether we) like it or not, men and women are not the same in nature, temperament, emotions and emotional responses. J. Paul Getty

Men marry because they are tired; womenbecause they are curious: both are  disappointed. Oscar Wilde 

Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed. Albert Einstein.

(Lord Henrry) What nonsense people talk about happy marriages!man can be happy  with any woman as / so long as he doesn't love her. Oscar Wilde (The picture of D. Gray)

The test of a man or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel. G.B. Shaw. 

For every quarrel a man and wife have before others, they have a hundred when alone. E. W. Howe.

Smart women love smart men more than smart men love smart women. Natalie Portman

A man's life is of more value than a woman's. It has larger issues, wider scope, greater ambitions. Oscar Wlde

All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women. Voltaire

Women who love themselves are threatening; but men who love real women, more so,  Naomi Wolf.

Syn: 1. weather: (ominous), causing fear, concern. (figurado) amenazador/amenazante, 2. (increasingly or additionally): aun más, incluso más.

Can you imagine a world without men? There'd be no crime, and lots of fat happy women. Nicole Hollander.


Money is better than poverty, (even) if only for financial reasons.

Having a little money is better than being poor. Having a lot would be better. And I wouldn't mind being famous. 

Note: 1. even if it is done only for this reason, or to this end: Even if it is only for your image, I'm glad you are doing it. (aunque solo sea por); You need to call your mom, even if only to tell her that you landed safely in London. 2. Conditionals and wishes (it means the same as "I wish" but is stronger: If only there was sth I could do or say to help; If only I knew the truth (I don't know but I wish I did)

Note. To talk about a wish for the future or to show a contrast between how things are and how we would like them to be, we use "if only + would + infinitive without "to": If only someone would buy the house; If only they would talk to each other

Note. We use "if only + past perfect" to talk about a wish to change something that has already happened: If only I had listened to what my friends had been telling me (but I didn't) If only I had been able to come (I wasn't able to come)

Note. (conj) If and only if (on the strict condition that): I'll help you if and only if, you promise to do your part (poner de tu parte)

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. Bob Dylan

Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace. Mike Ditka

(One golden rule all of us must keep in mind is that), we shouldn't spend more than (what) we earn. Especially so, with the case of our credit cards

Money means so much more than what we usually think.

Almost all divorces involve money and money means so much more than a way to pay the bills.

Note: You are capable of so much more than you usually dare to imagine. S. Salzberg

Note. so 1. too, also: I want to go to the movies and so does she. 2. (yes, indeed); Does he like her? I think so. 3. (intensifier, very): That guy is so good looking! 4. (as stated) así que loc adv: So, as I have already explained, there really is no need to worry. 5. So? (interj,  (who cares?): ¿y? Mario gets paid more than you. So? 6. so pron (the same) así : You are a gentleman; may you remain so all your years. 7. so, inf.(emphatic): ¡de verdad!, ¡en serio! loc interj. ¡y tanto que lo es!: That car is nicer than your car. It is so! 8. (demonstrating: like this) (mostrando la forma): así, de esta manera: When ironing, you need to move the hot iron over the clothes so. 9. so adv. (changing, returning to subject) entonces: So, Alice, why did you come to Edinburgh? 10. so, so that conj. (in order that), para, y así: Drive carefully so that you will arrive safely (para llegar bien). The teacher spoke slowly so her students would understand her. (para que sus alumnos le entendieran)


Confusing monogamy with morality has done more to destroy the conscience of the human race than any other error. George Bernard Shaw

Marriage requires a special talent, like acting. Monogamy requires genius. Warren Beatty
1. (person: highly intelligent) genio, 2. exceptional intellect / ability / gift (genialidad)

Monogamy is an institution of Western culture. Monogamy is difficult to maintain. Sure, it’s easy enough at times when your life is devoid of temptation. But unless you and your partner live in isolation in a cottage in the woods, there are no guarantees that an attractive “other” will not emerge
Syn: (cultural norm, tradition) institución, 2. care home (asilo, geriatrico, residencia de ancianos)

Have you seen what wolves do to their prey? But they do mate for life. Donna Lynn Hope
Note: (animals): breed, aparearse. 2 (people): emparejarse, juntar): The matchmaker mated the pair to each other. (el celestino)

I think biologically we are attracted to more than one person, but given society / society's biases and prejudices and our needs, monogamy works better. Nancy Friday
Syn: given (granted, considering): dado/a adj Given his reputation, I'm not sure we should hire him.


Note: lack of variety and interest: The monotony of my job is killing me! MOTHERHOOD / MOM (see parenthood)

Motherhood is a hyponym of parenthood. As nouns the difference between motherhood and parenthood is that motherhood is the state of being a mother while parenthood is the state of being a parent.

One thing I know for sure; this motherhood thing is not for sissies. Jennifer Nettles
Note: Inf, pej. (coward, effeminate boy, chicken, nenaza, marica)

Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.

Having a baby is one of the most wonderful things in your life, as well as the hardest thing in your life.

Motherhood is the most challenging as well as the utmost satisfying / rewarding / fulfilling vocation in this world. (calling, job, line of work, profession, occupation)

I never knew motherhood could be so truly gratifying until I had Natasha. Natalie Wood

Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Charles Stanley


The most important distinction to keep in mind when thinking about Motherhood vs. Mothering is that, in feminist rhetoric, “motherhood” refers to an institution and “mothering” refers to an experience. The patriarchal institution of motherhood is one based on male-defined tradition. When we think of “mothering” – specifically feminist mothering – we’re thinking of women’s experiences.

I have always been a mother. When I was kid, I mothered my younger brother. I mothered my parents and even my boyfriends. Sushmita Sen

Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just / all the same / anyway, and most mothers kiss and scold together. Pearl S. Buck

When my mother and father fell in love, my mother's family would never accept it. Euzhan Palcy

Hatred of the mother is familiar, but the mother's hatred still comes as a surprise. Mason Cooley 

Educated mothers are 50 percent more likely to immunize their children than mothers with no schooling (education). Gayle Tzemach Lemmon 
Syn: bookish, university-educated, cultas, instruidas.


Love yourself no matter what.

You should love yourself, no matter what (your body looks like).

Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of. Benjamin Franklin

If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.

(As a final thought, consider these wise words): A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. Ken Keyes

The purest form of love. It is based on not judging/condemning others but insteadseeing all other people as completely deserving “what is best for them”.

OBSESSION / NEUROSIS / NEUROTICISM / INSANITY / ANXIETY (psychological disorder, mental / emotional instability )

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.

The longer you have to wait for something to happen, the more anxious you become.

Lord, we know what we are, but (know) not what we may be. Orphelia (Hamlet)

Stop overthinking! When you’re anxious and overthinking, you’re not in the momentso you’re not able to truly enjoy time with your partner.

People high on the neurotic scale, which can mean being moody, emotionally unstable and fretful, were more likely to have an anguished remembrance (memory) of the past and to be a lot / much / way / far less happy.
Syn: irritable, anxious.

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Vivekananda.

Nowadays, many things excite our fear systems without there being any real threat /  without there having to be a reason

In the past, fears were simply bound to things that could kill us. Fears were a good idea to get us out of genuine dangers. But nowadays, many things excite our fear systems without there being any real threat. We have panic attacks before speaking in public for no good reason – while at the same time, the real, more subtle threats of modernity (global warming) evade our detection radars entirely.


I don’t even know how to raise myself, let alone to raise a child.

Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories. John Wilmot

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings. Johann W. Goethe.
Syn: legacy, sth left in a will, legado, herencia.

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents. Jane D. Hull
Syn: irresistible (feeling), very great, huge.

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglass


Vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry. Larry Adler
If you don't receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop  looking for it. Robert Goolrick

Parents are meant to love their children wholeheartedly and unconditionally, even when kids sometimes do things we do not love. (sincerely, enthusiastically)

A good friend of mine once told me that while parents are meant to love their children, children are also meant to love their parents.

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. Jim Valvano

We never know the love of a parent until / till we become parents ourselves. Henry Ward Beecher

Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day. Taylor Hanson

PLATONIC LOVE / DREAM LOVER (see romantic love). Looking for your dream lover.

There're different kinds of love, and I'd never experienced that kind of totally platonic love. Tracey Emin 

Even before I met you I was far from indifferent to you. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

People make films about all kinds of relationships, but they won't do these extremely intense platonic love affairs that happen between young girls. In a way they are more intense than anything else you ever have, and that's what I wanted to make a film about, though it was in the context of a horror film.Mary Harron

POLYGAMY (the practice of marrying multiple spouses) / POLYAMORY

If love wasn't conditional, everybody would be in love with everybody.

Why would you claim to be polyamorous if you don't want (to allow) your partner to show affection to anyone but you?; (If you don't want your partner to cheat or lie)?


Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts. - E. B. White

Never forget where you're from, even if you'd like to.


Promiscuity is like never reading past the first page. Monogamy is like reading the same book over and over. Mason Cooley

QUARRELS (lovers' / domestic quarrels, couple discussion, arguments, disagreement,  dispute between lovers, verbal confrontation, conflict in relationships).

Note: In an " argument" you put logical facts to win an argument while in case of "quarrel" with someone you just forget the logic and facts, you just want to win at any cost.

Thou and I are too wise to woo peaceably. (Much ado about nothing, W. Shakespeare)

As the stoics say, if someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation.

Can't I ask you to do something without there having to be a reason?

Sometimes people's behavior is seemingly unexplainable. Adam Scott

Note. seemingly overnight adv. (as though all of a sudden), de repente loc adv. como de la noche a la mañana.

I had a lover's quarrel with the world. from a poem titled “The Lesson for Today.” Robert Frost (American poet, epitaph)

As anyone who's been in a relationship for more than a few days knows, conflicts between partners are unavoidableOne common expression uttered by the male in such a conflict is "you're not my mother!"

There can be differences of opinion without there being / there having to be personal differences.

A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party; there is no battle unless there be / are two. Seneca

It takes two to quarrel, but only one to end it. Matthew Prior.

My friend and I are moving into a tree-house together. I just hope (that) we never / don't fall out.

We are never so much disposed to quarrel with others as when we are dissatisfied with ourselves. William Hazlitt

People generally quarrel because they cannot argue (rationally). G. K. Chesterton (1. reason, debate, 2. disagree: argue about money, 3. (fam.) quarrel: Even newlyweds sometimes argue.

You don't want ever again to have to depend for happiness on another person. Dorothy L. Sayers. 

Just because a discussion is difficult doesn't mean it's not worth having.

The thing about loving someone, is that yelling at them only feels good while you're doing it; as soon as they're goneall you want to do is take it all back.

I don't like / can't stand yelling and fighting, and I can't quarrel. Grace Kelly.

A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party; there is no battle unless there be / are two. Seneca

You don't get to choose who turns you into a maniac.They just do, and you're just fucked, and the rest is just damage control.

It's not the fact of losing a fight (that counts), it's / but how one loses. And the fact that he didn't want to fight on, his body language said 'I've had enough'.

Why does there always have to be a loser / winner?

Do you hate to lose more than (what) you love to win? Losing teaches us more than winning ever will.

Note: What Jesus was asking Peter was, “Do you love me more than what you love to do the most?” What Peter loved the most was fishing. What do you love the most 

REGRET / REMORSE / SELF-REPROACH / GUILT / GUILTY FEELINGS / BLAME (The could’veswould’ves, should’ves and what if's…) 

Syn: be sorry for, lamentar, arrepentirse: I regretted my harsh tone. 2. regret doing [sth] vtr (wish you had not done) arrepentirse de, lamentar: She regretted hurting her friend's feelings.

I'd rather be Safe than sorry. Warren Smith song.

I'd rather try and fail than not try at all, as they say. Bobby Rahal.

Neither blame nor applaud / praise yourself. Plutarch

I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something. J. Hetfield

(There are) so many things (that) we wish we had done yesterday, (and) so few (that) we feel like doing today. Mignon McLaughlin

My biggest regret was never having finished my education.

My only regret in life was never having children. I would have liked to have a child, preferably a son, but it didn't turn out that way. That's life, you just have to accept it. Anita Ekberg

The could’veswould’ves, and should’ves…they all are based on a mindset of regret, on a mindset of what could’ve been that is no longer because of your self-proclaimed mistakes.

The Should’vesWould’ves, and Could’ves, and What If’s, Oh My.They can drive you crazy, thinking of everything you could’ve done. 
The past is a great place and I don't want to erase it or to regret it, but I don't want to be its prisoner either. Mick Jagger
Life is about choices. Some we regret, some were proud of. Some will haunt us forever. 'Black Rain' was very much about choices. The message: we are what we chose to be. Graham Brown
I made decisions that I regret, and I took them as learning experiences... I'm human, not perfect, like anybody else. Queen Latifah
I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and some really low lowsJennifer Lopez 

I have no regrets, because I've done everything I could to the best of my ability. Robert Redford


However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them.


Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. Oscar Wilde

A bride at her second marriage doesn't wear a veil. She wants to see what she is getting.


The difference between sex and love is (that) sex relieves / alleviates tension while / and  love  causes it. (Woddy Allen)


Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell. C. Killosophy

The bias against introversion leads to a colossal waste of talent, energy, and happiness. Susan Cain
Syn: inclination, preference. (sesgo)

Insecurity is a side effect of loving too much but receiving too little in return

Shyness is inherently uncomfortable; introversion is not. The traits do overlap, though psychologists debate to what degree. Susan Cain

* Syn: coincide with, be the same, have sth in common 

Writing is a tribute to solitude. It is choosing introversion over extroversion, lonely hours / days / weeks / years over fun and sociability. Elif Safak

There's no such thing as lack of confidence. You either have it or you don't.
Rob Andrew

Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence. Vince Lombardi


Seneca said: I'd rather annoy with the truth than please with adulation!.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. Kurt Cobain ... 

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatalOscar Wilde

It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid.  George Bernard Shaw

Syn. adj. causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly (letal, fatal): a fatal accidenta fatal disease. 2. causing destruction, misfortune, or ruin; disastrous: a fatal decision that ruined our hopes.


If you're not married, chances are you think a lot about you.

Being single is a lot wiser than being in a WRONG relationship !!

Singles / Bachelors know (much / way / far / a lot) more about women than married men; if they didn't (if it weren't that way), they'd be married too. H. L. Mencken


Children are gifts. They are not ours for the breaking. They are ours for the making. Dan Pearce.
Note: See for the taking. if something is yours for the taking or there for the taking, it is easy to get: With the team’s closest rivals out of the championship, the title was theirs for the taking.


My mom was essentially a single mother raising three boys. If anyone could have had any reason to give up, it was her. But she didn't, and neither did we. Chuck Norris

I celebrate my life, whether it's being a single mother, wearing diamonds, or holidaying in exotic places. Sushmita Sen
syn: praise widely; 2. We decided not to celebrate Christmas / too much this year.

What is free time? I'm a single mother. My free moments are filled with loving my little girl. Roma Downey

SOCIABILITY (being social, social interaction)

The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. Mark Twain. (Version: The more people I meet, the more I love my dog).

So many books, so little time. Frank Zappa

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people. Carl Gustav Jung

Nothing terrifies me more than being social. Daphne Guinness

If there isn’t a them, there can’t be an us. Jodi Picoult

Rascals are always sociable, more's the pity! and the chief sign that a man has any nobility in his character is the little pleasure he takes in others' company.A. Schopenhauer
Note: unfortunately, (used to say that something is disappointing): "Did you get to see her before she left?" "No, more's the pity". Take pleasure in sth: enjoy, disfrutar.

I wasn’t a nerd, mind you, but I’d spent a lot of my youth studying Epics, so I’d had limited experience with social interaction.

The problem with a lot people is, they are more concerned about their image than they are about their reputation. It should be the other way around. Carroll Bryant

The men who produce works of genius are not those who live in the most delicate atmosphere, whose conversation is the most brilliant or their culture the most extensive, but those who have had the powerceasing suddenly to live only for themselves, to transform their personality into a sort of mirror, in such a way that their life, however mediocre it may be socially and even, in a sense, intellectually, is reflected by it, genius consisting in reflecting power and not in the intrinsic quality of the scene reflected. Marcel Proust.


Note: old maid (mature spinster)

SUFFERING / PAIN OF LOVE (mental pain, desamor) / BREAK-UP / BROKEN HEARTS / HEARTBREAK (sorrow, extreme sadness, cause of sadness) / HEARTACHE (pena, emotional distress) / DESPAIR / ANGUISH / TORMENT / AGONY / MISERY MELANCHOLY

It's not what, but how one / you feel 

You know what they say, "what doesn't kill you just / only makes you stronger". I strongly / really believe (that). Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

My truth is that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker rather than stronger, although it makes you wiser. Marian Keyes

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything C. Palahniuk (Fight club)

It's funny how I'm good at giving advice to others, but when it comes to helping myself, I (just) don't know what to do (or how to react).

The break-up of a relationship is always difficult, especially a 30-year one. Peter Hook

Coelho says “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the fear itself.

It's not what happens (to you), but how you react to it / but how you feel about it / but what you think about what happens (it) that matters. Epictetus 

It's not the situation, but whether we react negative or respond positive to the situation that is important. Zig Ziglar. 

It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain. A Schopenhauer

The heart was made to be broken. Oscar Wilde 

The heart will break, but broken live onLord Byron
Note: Carry on with what you were doing. (adv: onward, continuously): go ahead, go for it.
Walk on. you'll never walk alone, Liverpool Anthem, (Gerry and the Pacemakers)

(I can assure that) Nobody can hurt you unless you let them.

No one can hurt you unless you allow them to. Do not give them that power over you.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt 

We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. Sigmund Freud

Learn the lessons and move forward. It is not what happens but what you do with what happens that counts.

If it were not for mistakes (I made in the past), I would not have learned.

If it were not for a broken heart, I would never have appreciated being loved.
Syn: be grateful for, understand, acknowledge.

Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn't respect and appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.

I cried out of heartbreak when my boyfriend broke up with me. (desamor, pena)

Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the person you thought would never hurt you.

Tough times never last but tough people do.

Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetimeJean Pierre De Florian
Note: adj. Marriage is a lifetime commitment. (de por vida, vitalicio/a)

As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don’t know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. L. Frank Baum The tinman in "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" (1900), Frank Baum

Note: 1. to stimulate by an electric current (dar vida): to galvanize nerves. to startle into sudden activity (incitar, provocar a (la accion): The news of the riots galvanized the police. Metallurgy: to coat (iron or steel) with zinc or metal.

There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations.
Syn: awful, frightening, (terrible, espantoso).

Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?. Richard Bach

Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation. Rumi

Note: Goodbye / bye for now interj: see you soon, nos vemos, hasta pronto.

No relationship is ever a waste of time. If it didn't bring you what you want / need, at least it taught you what you don't want / need.

Sometimes good things fall apart so (that) better things can fall together. M. Monroe. 

It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive. 

It is important not to fall apart when things don't go exactly your way. (lose control mentally, emotionally, or spiritually)

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.

The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. 


If we were not all so interested in ourselves, life would be so uninteresting that none of us would be able to endure it. Arthur Schopenhauer 

Deep down (inside), I'm pretty superficial. Ava Gardner.


The most expensive thing in the world is trust. It can take years to earn and just a matter of seconds to lose.

It's only by not trusting you turn someone into a liar.
UNDERSTANDING (How to be more understanding in a relationship)

It's understandable and almost touching that we should expect our partners to  understand us without us having to / having explained what's going on / up

I strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships.

People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me. Soren Kierkegaard


I'm confused, oh wait / hang on, maybe I am not.

It's understandable and almost touching that we should expect our partners to understand us without us having explained / having to explain what's up / going on / the reasons of our behavior.

Do not worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older it will avoid you. Joey Adams

If you need your partner to show affection, they may be showing affection in their way. You need to figure out how your partner may be meeting your needs.

Do you need your partner to be a mind reader? We expect our partners to know what we're feeling. What if they don't / didn't?

Does there always have to be a reason / a because for / to everything? There isn't necessarily a because to everything; you only think so because you are so young.???

Why does there have to be a a reason / a why for everyting? there doesn't have to be a reason / why for doing the things I do unless I want there to be ????


The unhappiest people in this world, are those who care the most about what other people think.

All happiness or unhappiness solely / only / entirely depends on / upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love. Baruch Spinoza


It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)


Love is such a wonderful thing and we all want to have it. It is so wonderful, that there’s no other feeling quite like it. But love, oftentimes, can be complicated. Sometimes, no matter how much we want someone, they just might not feel the same wayPerhaps the timing isn’t right. Maybe you’re both at different stages of your life. And for whatever reason, the pieces just don’t click (like each other, get along)

The biggest curse in life is not loosing your love, but not being loved by someone you love. Kiran Joshi

The worst feeling is falling for someone and knowing that they won't be there to catch you.

Sometimes the best feeling is not falling in love, it's / but falling out of love with someone who never really loved you.

When you love someone who doesn't love you back, it can take a long time to accept that it's virtually impossible for things to work out.

When you like someone who doesn't like you back, the most important thing to realize is that nobody else determines whether or not you are lovable.

It is so important to know how to get over someone who doesn't like you so (that) you aren't counting on them to prove your self-worth.

Sometimes life sends us people who don’t love us enough, to remind us of what we’re worthy of. (deserving of, good enough to merit, digno / merecedor de).
Note: worthy of remark (worth noticing). see remarkable (a view): extraordinary, incredible.

There is nothing so mortifying as to fall in love with someone who does not share one’s sentiments / feelings. Georgette Heyer

The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned. William S. Maugham

Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?

Do you know what it’s like to like someone so much (that) you can’t stand it and know that they’ll never feel the same way? Jenny Han


Falling in love was the easy part; planning a wedding - yikes! (Interj. inf. expressing fear or alarm: ¡Uf! ¡ostras!

If it were not for the presents, an elopement would be preferable. (running away from home with a paramour / lover / mistress to get married)

Wedding fever is one of the scariest diseases (that) I have ever seen. And the most dangerous food is wedding cake.

Wedding dress shopping is basically like dating. You pick the one based on how you feel.

I'm not really that girl who dreams about her wedding day / wearing a wedding ring. T. Swift


The first stage of widowhood is paperwork. Adriana Trigiani (The Shoemaker's Wife)

What kind of wife would I be if I left your father simply / just because he was dead? Jess Walter (Beautiful Ruins)
Syn: just because: (avoiding explanation, for no specific reason) porque sí .expr "Why did you do that?" "Just because." Porque sí.

The best possible outcome of marriage was a wealthy, childless widowhood. Jennifer Egan (Manhattan Beach)

The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits. Joey  Gay
Syn: (enthusiasm, determination, mood, morale, animo, ganas, humor),

When my mother died, my father's early widowhood gave him social cachet he would not have had if they had divorced. Amy Hempel (The Collected Stories)

Syn: (french), prestige.  


Being a widower is not that groovy when you lose someone you really love, and you have to go out and date again. Pierce Brosnan.

I should say, one of the things about being a widow or a widower, you really, really need a sense of humor, because everything's going to fall apart. Joyce Carol


IF NOT FOR AN APHORISM by W. H. Auden, I might never have met my wife. (The World in a Phrase. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE APHORISM By James Geary.  Guessing Is More Fun Than KnowingThe Confessions of an Aphorism Addict.

Syn: If it were / was not for / If it had not been for (an aphorism)

The difference between the two is one of style, were(n't) being more formal than was(n't). The authors of 'The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language' (Huddleston and Pullum) go so far as to say that this verb form isn't subjunctive at all, preferring to describe it as irrealis.

I would not have survived jail if not for my wife. That's why I'm sticking with her because if it hadn't been for my wife (and friends), I wouldn't have made it. It was a really tough time for me.

If I hadn't been to that party that night, I can assure you that I would never have met my wife and probably wouldn't have a daughter or a baby boy on the way.


It's the women / people who try to be clever who never are; the women / people who are clever never think of trying to be. Gilbert Parker.

The only way a woman can ever reform a man is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life.

If there's anything worse than a woman living alone, it's a woman saying she likes it. Thelma Ritter

In Bolivia, it's the women who run the households. They look after the children and they care for the sick.

So, what is it like living with a woman going through the menopause? living hell.

Virgil Oldman: What's it like living with a woman? Lambert: Like taking part in an auction sale. You never know if yours will be the best offer. The Best Offer is a 2013 psychological thriller film written and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore.

It takes one woman twenty years to make a man of her son - and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him. Helen Rowland

A woman is like a tea bag; you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. Eleanor Roosevelt

If woman ran the world we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days. Groucho Marx

Women are nothing but machines for producing children. Napoleon Bonaparte

I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men; they are far superior and always have been. William Golding 

If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends. Orson Welles 
Note: sit on heels: sentarse en cuclillas

How to Get Women to Like You Instantly. How do some men seem to be able to make any women like them almost instantly?

So, how do you get a woman to like you instantly? It's very easy for women to get us to like them instantly because our attraction to them is mostly based on their physical appearance.

As one woman said: You can't ignore women even if you'd like to / just because they don't speak English. (from ... politics)


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THE PROFICIENCY BOOK ARTICLES . The use of the articles in English. Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you ...