How to respond to "How are you?", "What's up?", and other conversation starters like "How's it going? or "What's happening?" * What is the best answer to the question “How are you”? or "How've you been?" or "How's it going?"
Fine: This is a simple, straight (direct, honest) answer. If you don't say anything else, though, it might be a signal that you don't want to continue the conversation.
Not bad: This is a more friendly-sounding answer than "fine".
Fine, thanks: This answer is formal. You might answer this way if someone you don't know, like a waiter at a restaurant, asks how you are.
Very well, thanks: A person who likes to be grammatically proper might answer this way. Technically, the question "How...?" should be answered with an adverb. However, a lot of English speakers don't know or care about this. The people who do are "by the books" types who insist on using grammatically correct language * I am well.
(Pretty) good: If you don't care as much about grammar, you can answer "Good" or "Pretty good". It's more common and much, much more casual.
Great! How are you doing?: This is an enthusiastic, excited response. It's always good to ask a question back to the other person if you want to continue the conversation.
I'm hanging in there: This answer makes it sound like you're having a tough day.
I've been better: People usually give positive answers to the question "How are you?" If you give a negative answer like this one or I’ve seen better days, I could be better, not very good it usually means that you want to tell the listener your sad story. So they'll usually ask what's wrong:

It's going well (work only for "How's it going"?) * Fine, thanks. What/How about you? * I'm doing great today - and you? * Doing well, thanks. How about you? * Not bad, yourself? * Thanks for asking, I'm doing fine * I'm very well, thank you. How are you? *  Ah, can't complain! * Not complaining! You? * I could complain, but I’m not going to * I am * How do you think I am? * Do you want the short versión or the long one? * Trying to stay positive * Not my best day, but not my worst day, either * Let’s just say less than super * Wouldn’t you like to know! * I’m taking it easy * Get back to me on that * Improving * Learning * Smashing (very good, great or impressive) * Getting there (used for saying that someone is close to achieving something, especially when this is difficult or is taking a long time: Everyone finds driving difficult at first, but you’re getting there; syn: be halfway there; To be likely to
succeed * Getting stronger * Not giving up * You can’t know pleasure without pain, right? * Imagining myself on a beach far away * I feel like crap, but doing the best I can. Tomorrow’s another day, yea? * Not too shabby (old and in bad condition) * Any betterand I'd be arrested * Good enough ( It gets people thinking) * Still here * Better than some, not as bad as others * Not great at the moment but no big deal (An honest one) * fucking terrible * As opposed to what? * Smile flirtatiously and say "Good so far!"(Babes love it, man) * Barely hanging on, but I think I'll make it. How are you? * I very often say spectacular no matter how I actually feel. When pressed, I admit that it's just something that I say * I am well * Super awesome. (People never expect it) * I'm feeling super swell! (great) You can make it tonight? Swell! (US, dated, slang) * Radiant, sir! (radiant/glowing with health, joy ...) * Coping. (had a coworker that always said this. Super annoying.): survive, overcome difficulties: 1.(survive, overcome difficulties, salir adelante, superar): You are going through a difficult emotional time, but you will cope 2. (withstand, sobrellevar): The death of their father was devastating at first, but they learned to cope . 3. (struggle against conditions, enfrentarse, lidiar): How do I cope with stress? I clean and organize;  Humor is a way to deal with stresses. It is a way to cope; I try to cope with everything through humor * Quite alright, and yourself?" is my usual response * Doing the best I can... * In my personal experiences, black guys seem to always come up with the coolest responses. Here are a few of my favorites: I'm just about right; You got it, and simply: "Solid." Gotta say that one snappy though. (slick Pimp walk optional) * Not dead yet, but working on it everyday I'm here. Yourself? * Let them know how your going. "Pretty shit haha. My boss is screwing me again but what are you gonna do?".(extort, extract,cheat, coerce: force, compel)


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THE PROFICIENCY BOOK ARTICLES . The use of the articles in English. Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you ...