Right, who's going to make the coffee? (ok, so, bueno, de acuerdo) * You're a French teacher, right? (seeking confirmation, no?) * All right, let's go to the pub (informal "ok", vale, de acuerdo * "I'm not going to lend Pete any more money because he never pays me back." "Quite right too!" (expressing emphatic agreement, completamente de acuerdo!, eso es asi) vs (That's) fair enough!

I didn't get the job, but that's how it goes sometimes. I know it isn't fair but that's just how it goes sometimes (informal: expressing philosophical acceptance, suele ocurrir)

Nice going! and Good job!; Good going!; Nice job! 1. Inf. That was done well. John: Well, I'm glad that's over. Sally: Nice going, John! You did a good job. Tom: Nice job, Bill! Bill: Thanks, Tom! 2. Fig. That was done poorly. (Sarcastic.) Fred: I guess I really messed it up (spoil, make serious mistake: This is important, so try not to mess it up; This is your last chance, so don't mess up! * Bill: Nice job, Fred! Now you've (gone and) done it!" (1). Fred: Well, I'm sorry * "Nice going," frowned Jane, as Tom upset the bowl of potato chips. (1): Someone has just done something very grave, foolish, and/or irreparable

He can run a mile in 15 minutes? Big deal! Some people can do it in four. @ (Ironic) Indica- tes that sth is not important or impressive; so what. So you made a minor mistake! So what!, (who cares?): y?/y qué?; Okay, so I look fat in these jeans – so what? vs So what if I enjoy a beer now and then? (it's irrelevant)

Boy, that chicken was good! (also oh boy); Oh, boy! I can't wait to tell my friends about this!: 1.An expression of delight or joy; used when you are excited or pleased about something. 2. oh boy : An expression of dismay, resignation, frustration, or annoyance  (sarcastic);used when you are slightly annoyed or disappointed about sth: Oh boy! My computer crashed again; Oh, boy. This is going to be a lot of work; Oh, boy. Now what do I do?.3. Exclamation of surprise, pleasure or longing: Boy, that was close!; Boy, I wish I could go to Canada!

You got a new car? Cool! (great!, excellent!), genial.

Good for you! (well done, bien hecho) vs Too bad! (lastima!) * Am I a racist? No. That simple. And if that's not good enough for you, too bad; (unfortunate). It's too bad that he has left, (una pena) 2. I want to win too bad (badly, to a serious or severe extent, desperately) vs If exercise is supposed to be so good for you, how come it hurts so much?

You got the job? Great! (excellent!, cool!), genial

Hey can express surprise or exultation, or can be used to request repetition or call for attention: Is it ignorance or apathy? Hey, I don't know and I don't care.

Huh (/hʌ/) is a sign of disbelief, confusion, or surprise, or, with a question mark, is a request for repetition. 1. expressing incomprehension, 2. expressing contempt, 3. seeking clarification (eh?, como?, que?): I hate violence, yes I do. It's kind of a dilemma, huh? * Why can't a woman be more like a dog, huh? So sweet, loving, attentive.

You want me to go with you to the disco? No way! I hate dancing. 1. informal (refusal), jamás! * Jane is getting married? No way! I thought she would always be single. 2. informal (disbelief), no te creo!, no!, venga ya!, Y que más?

You can make it tonight? Swell! US, dated, slang (great), genial!

Uh-huh indicates affirmation or agreement  * Uh-uh is the sound of negation or refusal.

Um is a placeholder for a pause but also denotes skepticism: Um, musicians are funnier you know, than actors on the whole.
Oops (and the jocular diminutive variation oopsie or oopsy and the variant whoops) calls attention to an error or fault.

Wow expresses surprise. (used to show surprise, wonder, or pleasure):
yeah (Inf.) yes, sure, affirmative (formal), uh-huh (slang) OK, uh-huh, yep. undoubtedly, unquestionably, willingly, yea, yes Slang: right on. * Yeah, alright, I'll come (with you)
Yikes! That sure scared me! (Yikes is an expression of fear or concern, often used facetiously. a term used to show shock or extreme surprise) * Yuck! signals disgust or repugnance: Yuck, it's spinach again!. (Not to be confused with yuk, a loud laugh:The audience really yukked it up at the movie: to laugh or joke )

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THE PROFICIENCY BOOK ARTICLES . The use of the articles in English. Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you ...